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Baking Adventures (2 Viewers)

Show us your cake, baking and decorating creations here. The fun, fails and everything in between.
School Graduation Cupcake Class Student Creations (22/06/15) Well as school is nearly out for summer we thought we would get ahead of the game and make some lovely school graduation treats. I thought this may be a good theme to do as a thank you to all the students who have worked hard throughout their school year. We started off the lesson by making the edible mortarboard and scroll, the iced books and then moving on to the token teacher's apple. :D Once the ladies had created these designs we then went on to create the coloured pencils, book worm and of course the all-important report card. It was a lovely way to finish off the term and both the ladies and I have thoroughly enjoyed the courses this term. We look forward to a...
These are some of the Vanilla Cookie Lollipops and biscuits we made, we were going to decorate them, but we didn't have time, so we just taste-tested them instead. We will be making more of these, and this time we will ensure we get to decorate them.
Here is a write-up and pictures of the Cosmetic Cupcake Workshop and the Student Creations. Happy New Year! Well, it was for us as this is the first workshop we have run since Christmas! It was great to be back again teaching, seeing our regular faces and a few new ones too. :D The first to arrive was Frances and her sister, Frances has been previously and attended the baking workshops last year. This year, however, she is trying out our cupcake workshops and brought her sister along too. I was setting the room up when they arrived, and we got talking about baking and a few issues they had been having. I ran through a few scenarios, and we had a bit of a question and answer session, and I then gave them a few handy hints, soon after...
Ok so here are some of the good and bad baking stuff I have been up to recently... Firstly there were the Teddy bears which I threw together in five mins just to check out textures and features etc.; I'm more into the furry one myself although I do have another fur design to play about with, with scissors so when I get a moment, I am going to have a go at that. These are the two I came up with...let me know if you spot the flaw with him....ha ha.. Then there was the Christmas cake fiasco when I got mad at my husband, my bow broke, and I demolished the cake... Now you see it..... Now you don't.....:cry: The other annoying thing was that I rescued the bottom part of the bow and added spots around the cake but didn't take a...
Yes, that's right we are finally at that time of year when it's all about Christmas! :D This is my favourite time of year when the weather cools rapidly, the dark nights draw in, the heating is on full blast, and you get to snuggle up with the wee ones. Well yes, on any normal day that would be happening, but not this Monday, nooooooo....we were singing away and making Christmas magic in our lovely festive Workshop. Well, we did after a bit anyway, to be honest, I was a little concerned at first as it was getting towards the start of the lesson and only a few people had shown up. :unsure: Lots of people on this course were new, so I wasn't sure whether they had forgotten or just didn't turn up. Anyway, I needn't have worried as just...
Well, yesterday I baked some Apple Crumble, Han was really made up with it as she said it brought back a memory for her. Apparently, she used to have Apple Crumble at dinnertimes when she was in the infants, but now she is in the juniors she doesn't have it any more. Needless to say, she was very happy with it, she had hers plain, and I had mine with Carnation Cream! :D
We had another great evening again last night and I'm pleased to say that Lydia managed to finish all her cupcakes this time. I do also have to say a very well done to Sue as not only did she arrive early (she originally thought she would be late) she also managed to participate even with a very bruised and battered finger. :thumbs: It was a lovely workshop and the girls seemed to have lots of fun, the banter was back between Lou and Sue and we had a new face this time with Lisa joining in our fun. It was a spooktastic event and Lisa did fantastic seeing as this was pretty much her first attempt at cupcake decorating. Thanks again ladies for another fun evening and a very well done on your creations, they even let me take pics this...
Han has been baking with her Grandma and Grandad this weekend, here are their creations. Han has even done her very own Piñata cupcake too. That's my girl. :D Ian has done the mice in the middle of the first picture and Jean has done the blue cat in the second picture. These are a few of Hans creations along with the Piñata cupcake. Apparently, she's been teaching this weekend. :p

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